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  • Announcing Dr. James White, Professor of Apologetics and Church History

    Uncategorized - December 7, 2021

    It is already a merry Christmas season indeed at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. We are very pleased to announce a new faculty appointment: James White, Professor of Apologetics and Church History.

    Dr. White leads Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Well-known for his Dividing Line program, Dr. White has a long track record as a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, Church History, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools. A prolific author, Dr. White has authored or contributed to more than twenty four books, including The Forgotten TrinityThe Potter’s FreedomThe God Who Justifies, and What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an.

    An accomplished debater, Dr. White has engaged in more than one hundred seventy-four moderated public debates with leading proponents of Roman Catholicism, Islam, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Mormonism. His sparring partners include such well-known critics as Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and John Shelby Spong. In recent years, Dr. White has debated in Sydney, Australia and in mosques in Toronto, London, and South Africa. 

    GBTS President Jeffrey Johnson said this about White’s appointment: “It is a great honor to welcome James White, one of the foremost apologists of our day, to GBTS. Dr. White is a man of conviction. What I love most about Dr. White is not just the breadth of his knowledge, but his years of uncompromising faithfulness to speak and defend the truth of God’s Word. His appointment gives me real joy flowing out of thankfulness to God.”

    The GBTS provost spoke to White’s prominence as an apologist: “I can’t think of any man living who has done more to take the brilliant method of Van Til and put it to work than James White. He has done so on numerous subjects and showed the Reformed and evangelical world that it is not only possible to give a thoroughgoing biblical defense of the faith in any area, it’s actually fun to watch it happen as well.”

    Our provost also made application to residential education: “We know that Dr. White will bless our students as he teaches apologetics and church history to our students. With his appointment, we take a big step forward in our work to build a Baptist Westminster in Conway, and we signal that—at the seminary level—the torch of presuppositional (or covenantal) apologetics is well and truly lit.”

    Dr. White is a Pastor/Elder of Apologia Church in Arizona. He has been married to Kelli for more than thirty-nine years, and has two children and four grandchildren. As a member of GBTS’s rotational faculty, Dr. White will continue to reside full-time in Phoenix, and will travel to Conway on a regular basis to teach apologetics and church history. His first course as a GBTS faculty member will come on February 3-5, 2022. Sign up for this modular course, held in Conway, on apologetics; we anticipate strong demand for it, so reserve your spot today. If you’re a man interested in ministry training and you’ve never registered to study at the seminary, now is the time.

    If you are encouraged by the continued growth and work of GBTS, please consider giving to the Sound Churches Initiative. We are seeking to raise $250,000 to power the work of the gospel ahead: www.gbtseminary.org/donate.

    Above all, we thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support in the name of Christ.

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