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  • Dr. Owen Strachan Named Provost & Research Professor of Theology

    GBTS, Uncategorized - May 3, 2021

    On behalf of Grace Bible Church and Grace Bible Theological Seminary, I am thrilled to announce our new Provost and Research Professor of Theology.

    For the last two years, we have been in careful prayer that God would fill this role with a man after our theological convictions and our heart for training faithful men. Not only was he on our shortlist, he was at the very top. Today we rejoice and thank God for answering our prayer more abundantly than we could have imagined.

    He is not only a first-rate theologian, but he has also proven faithful to stand strong, in a gracious and uncompromising fashion, for the truth of God’s Word. We have been looking for a godly Professor that our students could not only learn from in the classroom but also emulate in their life and ministry.

    He comes to us after serving as Associate Professor of Christian Theology and Director of the Residency Ph.D at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, an institution we have much respect for. He earned his Ph.D from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, his M.Div from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and his AB from Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. He is married and the father of three children. He has authored numerous books, including Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of Mankind, The Pastor as Public Theologian: Reclaiming a Lost Vision (with Kevin Vanhoozer), and the forthcoming Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement is Hijacking the Gospel- and the Way to Stop it (Salem Books, July 2021). He is the former president of the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, the former director of The Center for Public Theology at MBTS, and is the President of Reformanda Ministries.

    I am looking forward to working alongside him in this great work that the Lord has established here in Conway, Arkansas. There is much work to be done, and by God’s grace, we will continue to invest in the next generation by equipping and training qualified pastors and missionaries. The greatest need of the world is the gospel that has been entrusted to the church, and the greatest need of the church is men of God who are humble, bold, and able to rightly divide the truth of God’s Word. Training ministers for the advancement of the kingdom of God is one of the most important investments we can make for our children and grandchildren. Our staff is committed to this vital work. Our prayer now is for God to continue to go before us with grace and power as we enter into the next exciting phase at GBTS.

    Jeffrey D. Johnson

    President, Grace Bible Theological Seminary

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