We are thrilled to announce the launch of Pro Pastor: A Journal of Grace Bible Theological Seminary! Our intention is to produce theological content in a format that will be accessible and inviting to pastors, missionaries, and laypeople. The average academic journal article in our day gets read by less than ten people, usually by scholars and specialists in the article’s narrow field. We want to change that! Our conviction is that deep theology should not be restricted to the academy. Rather, the study of God is for the church, the only organization in all the world that serves as the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Tim 3:15).
Our journal will be published twice a year, with one issue being released in the Fall and another in the Spring. The Fall 2022 issue is entitled “Thomas Aquinas: A Helpful Guide for Protestants?” It explores the question of whether evangelicals’ retrieval of Thomas is a worthwhile project. Pro Pastor 1.1 features the following articles:
A free electronic copy of Pro Pastor 1.1 can be accessed by clicking here. Please pass this link along to those who might be able to benefit from its contents: https://gbtseminary.org/gbts-journal/. It is our hope that hearts might be stirred and the church of Christ might be strengthened by these humble efforts.
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