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  • GBTS Public Statement June 5, 2024

    GBTS, News - June 5, 2024

    To our GBTS students, supporters, and friends, 

    Owen Strachan was hired as the Provost of Grace Bible Theological Seminary in 2021. We are thankful for his time and service at GBTS, which will end in June of this year. We want to express our thanks for his time and involvement at GBTS for the past three years. 

    GBTS is committed to honoring the Lord Jesus Christ by educating and equipping the next generation of pastors, church planters, and missionaries to see churches established and strengthened across the globe. We will continue to carry out the seminary’s mission with a reinvigorated commitment to training humble men to serve and glorify the Lord in His church. 

    A new academic year and exciting opportunities are on the horizon for GBTS. A strategic initiative is underway to clarify and reinforce our core values of serving Christ in His church, unwaveringly affirming the sufficiency of Scripture, and training godly men for Christ-exalting pastoral ministry that is humble, charitable, and experiential. GBTS is where an outstanding faculty of pastors train pastors in a confessionally Reformed Baptist context. 

    The Lord has blessed GBTS with an exceptional body of staff, supporters, administrators, faculty, and students. Our students at GBTS are a vibrant group of men who are and will be serving the Lord all over the world. We take the responsibility to train these men seriously and will continue to strive for excellence in this mission, always looking to the Lord for help. 

    Thank you for your support, prayers, encouragement, and involvement in Grace Bible Theological Seminary’s mission. The Lord has graciously blessed GBTS thus far, and we believe the very best is yet to come.

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