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    Serious Training. Serious Students. Serious Calling.

    Associate Pastor of Families and Youth (Full-time)

    Emmanuel Baptist Church
    Sterling, CO

    Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling, CO, is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor of Families and Youth. Emmanuel is a conservative, Reformed Baptist, elder-led congregation in rural northeastern Colorado. The applicant must be called to minister to families and youth both inside and outside the church. The applicant must agree with Emmanuel’s Statement of Faith. He must be a man of good character meeting the requirements of an elder as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4. A seminary or Bible college degree or equivalent experience in the ministry field is required.

    We seek a highly relational pastor who can build personal relationships with parents and youth. While serving under the leadership of the Senior Pastor, the candidate will help minister to the entire congregation and share many pastoral responsibilities church-wide. He must have a willingness to train and strengthen parents to see that they are the primary disciple-makers of their children. The candidate should have training or experience in pastoral counseling. He must demonstrate a desire and competency in discipling others to grow in their faith. He must be able to equip and lead a ministry team of volunteers. The position requires a motivated, self-starter who has multi-tasking and organizational skills. Sterling’s population is approximately 15,000 and is surrounded by smaller rural communities. A willingness to understand rural culture or having lived in a small town is preferred.

    Please submit a resume and cover letter to Russell Hershberger at hersh97@bresnan.net.

    Associate Pastor (focused on Family/Youth Ministry)

    Sardis Baptist Church
    Swansea, SC

    Biblical References:
    Acts 20:28-32; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4

    General Description for Associate Pastor:
    The Associate Pastor is primarily responsible for working closely with the Senior Pastor in leading the church through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, development and refining of the church vision, general church administration, and oversight of family ministries. This is a full-time position. The Associate Pastor is a team pastor position governed by all applicable paragraphs in the current Sardis Baptist Church Constitution, Article 2, Section 2 - Pastoral Staff.

    Specific Responsibilities:

    • Regularly preach and teach God’s Word.
    • Work closely with Senior Pastor in the development and casting of church vision for discipling church members, reaching our community with the gospel, practically caring for our community, and spreading the gospel throughout the world
    • Serves as the Chairman of the Family Ministry Team
    • Responsible for the biblically based development, implementation, and oversight of the children’s and youth ministries falling under the family ministries umbrella
    • Responsible for the recruiting and training of ministry leaders needed within the various Family Ministry areas of responsibility
    • Works with family ministry leaders and adult ministry leaders to provide an efficient transition from children’s ministry to the youth group, and from youth group to adult ministries
    • Prepare and present the Family Ministry budget on an annual basis
    • Responsible for overseeing all ministry duties in the absence of the Senior Pastor
    • Conducts or assists in weekly church services
    • Conducts or assists in weddings and funerals for church members as needed
    • Represents the pastoral staff at committee and ministry team meetings as needed
    • Cooperates with all staff and various committees to promote unity and continuity of all ministry endeavors within the church

    Education & Skills:

    • Bachelor’s degree required
    • Master’s degree from accredited Christian seminary preferred
    • At least two (2) years of ministry experience

    Personal Growth Responsibilities:

    • Maintains a continued growth of personal calling and a mature walk with the Lord through Bible study and prayer
    • Maintains personal priorities within the home and family as the spiritual leader of the home
    • Develops and exercises personal evangelism within and outside the church

    Please Contact: Mark Hardenbrook pastor@sardischurchswansea.org

    Preaching Pastor

    Crossroads Community Church
    Lancaster, NH

    We are a small (20 members) reformed Baptist church located in Lancaster, New Hampshire. The congregation is biblically sound and grounded in truth. Since we are a small church, our financial resources will not allow support of a full-time pastor, although there could be a small stipend. The role would require the candidate to be bi-vocational. The town of Lancaster has approximately 3500 residents, and multiple churches in town. It is an open community of friendly people, and there are great opportunities for ministry endeavors among the community. We are a church that holds to the 5 solas and are Calvinistic in our doctrinal stance. The candidate must be grounded and balanced. Prior pastoral experience may be helpful, but it is not a necessity. The church’s name “Crossroads Community Church” reflects our mission focus, as we are all at a crossroad in life. If you are interested in becoming part of this loving, lively church body, please contact Brother Roy Palmer at 603-331-5148.

    Next Generation Associate Pastor (Full-time)

    First Baptist Church
    West Memphis, AR

    The Next Generation Associate Pastor requires an individual who is a born-again Christian, called to ministry, with an unwavering love for all of God's people. The ultimate goal of this position is to lead Kindergarten through College ministry participants to become faithful followers of Christ by leading them into a growing relationship with God, teaching them how to lead others, and incorporating ownership of their faith. The Next Generation Associate Pastor should equip students to make significant strides in their relationship with God by building relationships with students and nourishing them with biblically sound teaching. This individual must model a lifestyle of complete surrender to God's Word and requires full job accountability to the Senior Pastor, including the vision that the Lord has provided for the church: Love God, Care for One Another, and Share the Gospel.


    1. Personal Qualities:
      • Adhere to the FBCWM Statement of Faith.
      • Adhere to the BFM 2000.
      • Be accountable to the Senior Pastor.
      • Maintain a personal close walk with the Lord through prayer, spending time in the Word, worship, etc.
    2. General Responsibilities:
      • Provide general oversight for Kindergarten through College ministries.
      • Develop a unified and cohesive ministry plan for Kindergarten through College ministries to promote the mission of the church to: “Love God,” “Care for One Another,” and “Share the Gospel.”
      • Develop strategies to enlist, equip, and encourage volunteers ministering in Kindergarten through College ministries.
      • In conjunction with appropriate ministry teams and church leadership, prepare a yearly budget for Next Gen ministries of the church.
      • Be accountable and responsible for operating within the guideline of the budget.
      • Provide oversight for ongoing communication with children, students, parents, volunteers, and church members at-large concerning the Next Gen Ministries of the church.
    3. Specific Responsibilities:
      • Oversee 6th-College Ministries.
      • Lead students to have a close and personal walk with the Lord.
      • Lead, plan, promote, and carry out Wednesday night and Sunday morning, and Sunday Night programs, and meetings for student ministry (6th-12th.)
      • Seek and provide ways to enlist, train, and incorporate parents and other interested adults into the work of student ministry.
      • Work with the youth committee and Small Group teachers.
      • Maintain regular and ongoing communication with parents of students and with the church.
      • Seek to establish relationships with appropriate areas of public and private school personnel for the purpose of communicating FBC ministry to students. Be involved as opportunities present themselves in school related activities.
      • Oversee a student ministry presence in social media, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
      • Oversee and chaperone yearly summer camps.
    4. Additional Responsibilities:
      • Cooperate with the church staff in supporting church efforts, in discipleship, evangelism/outreach, worship, missions, and other ministries of the church. Seek ways to include students in the overall ministries of the church.
      • Perform hospital, prospect, and ministry visits.
      • Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.

    Pastor / Elder

    Emmanuel Baptist Church
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Emmanuel Baptist Church is blessed to be located in Canada’s beautiful capital city. We are a warm and welcoming group of believers. Jesus Christ and the gospel are at the center of everything we do. We take the Bible seriously as our only rule of faith and practice as we seek to preach it fervently and obey it faithfully.

    We currently have three elders in their sixties, and we are seeking a young pastor to join our team and continue the work. The candidate must take the Scriptures seriously and never change its message due to cultural influences. He must lead the church to stand on the truths of the Scriptures regardless of the consequences. No experience is needed as we have three experienced elders who can help the new pastor in his transition to the pastorate.

    Please note that this is a “tent-making” opportunity as the congregation is not able currently to financially support a pastor.

    More information on our church may be found here: https://emmanuelbaptistchurchottawa.ca/.

    If you are interested, please submit a resume and cover letter to Rodrigo Lima at rodrigolima@tuta.io.

    Associate Pastor, Worship and Family Ministry (Full-time)

    Oak Grove Church
    Shellsburg, Iowa

    MISSION: Reach, teach, and live out what it means to be wholehearted followers of Christ.

    POSITION SUMMARY: Oak Grove Church is seeking a full time Associate Pastor of Worship and Family Ministry, with priority given to family-equipping discipleship and majority engagement with 6-12th grade students and families. This associate pastor will also receive the leadership reins from our current volunteer music leader and devote time to developing our worship ministry further with the current leader’s and team’s support.


    • Character, Heart, Personality
      1. Biblical pastor/shepherd leader recognized by abiding and increasing faith in Christ, the fruit of the Spirit, gives evidence of personal worship, evangelism, and discipleship.
      2. Teachable spirit, able to receive constructive criticism and apply it for personal development.
      3. Demonstrated track record for Word-centered equipping of Christians and reproducing disciple-makers.
      4. Passion for championing family-equipping discipleship.
      5. Passion to pastorally lead congregation in theologically rich music with creative musical expression.
      6. Desire to work with and take direction from Elders and Lead Pastor as part of a team environment to ministry.
      7. Agrees with Oak Grove Constitution and Bylaws, Mission, Vision, Values, Philosophy of Ministry, and execution of the above.
    • Training & Experience
      1. Bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field (Bible/Theology/Biblical Counseling, Worship Ministry, Family/Student Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, etc.) from theologically conservative Bible College or Seminary, or equivalent experience.
      2. Proven leadership experience in student and family ministry or music and worship ministry with a desire to embrace both ministries, with preference given to someone with fruitful staff or internship experience.
      3. Some exposure, training, or experience in biblical counseling in agreement with the Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC), the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), or the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF), and a desire and willingness to pursue certification with ACBC (https://biblicalcounseling.com/training/) or Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC- https://christiancounseling.com /certification-overview/) in a timeframe to be agreed upon with the Lead Pastor and Elders (influenced by prior training and workload priorities).
    • Skills
      1. Able to rightly divide the Word of God, and faithfully teach it in age-appropriate settings.
      2. Eager and able to build effective relationships with people of varying ages and demographics, practicing healthy boundaries for relationships with women and students. A joyful, expressive personality is a plus here.
      3. Able to envision and communicate need for ministry teams, then develop structure, recruit, disciple, and empower ministry leaders and team members.
      4. Musical ability to lead corporate worship and proficiency with primary instrument.
      5. Proficiency with modern technology for worship ministry, team collaboration and development.
      6. Anticipate budgetary needs; develop and propose budget recommendations, and responsibly manage ministry finances with accountability.


    • Pastoral Leadership for Family-Equipping Discipleship (~60% of time)
      1. As God has called parents to be primary in their children’s evangelism and discipleship, this pastor will cast this biblical vision, support parents through everyday equipping and resourcing, and maintain a simple calendar that seeks to give families time to minister to those in their spheres of influence.
      2. Work with parents and ministry team members to foster meaningful biblical community among middle and high school students and their families.
      3. Identify, examine, and train potential volunteers for family ministry, developing, empowering, and supporting them to serve in their unique areas of giftedness.
      4. Care and counseling.
    • Music and Worship Ministry (~40% of time)
      1. Prayerfully plan and lead biblically rich worship services, gleaning from the best of new and old songs, prayers, readings, etc.
      2. Work with Lead Pastor, Elders, and worship team to assess current corporate worship, identify areas for growth, and develop a phased plan for implementation.
      3. Recruit, develop and give direction to worship and tech team members.
      4. Lead the preparation for and execution of corporate worship on Sunday morning.
      5. Coordinate special Christian seasonal worship services and assist with music and tech for weddings and funerals as needed.
    • Pastoral Staff and Administrative Responsibilities (% of time overlaps with other duties)
      1. Share corporate worship preaching ministry several times annually (~8-12 times [adjustable] as agreed upon with the Lead Pastor and Elders).
      2. Clearly and consistently communicate needs under your oversight with Lead Pastor, Elders, ministry team members, participants, and church family.
      3. Oversee administrative responsibilities related to ministries.
      4. Other duties as assigned by Lead Pastor and Elders.


    1. Full-time position with salary commensurate with education and experience.
    2. Two weeks paid vacation.
    3. One week paid conference leave with budget for expenses.


    Please provide the following via email: associate-pastor-search@oakgrove.cc. If possible, please provide items 1-4 in a single document — a PDF is preferable, but Word, Pages, or a Google Doc are all acceptable.

    1. Cover letter and resume with five references (two personal (non-family), two ministry-related, and at least one professional).
    2. A written testimony of your personal salvation, a significant challenge and recent growth in Christ.
    3. Personal statement of faith (if best communicated by another organizational statement, please send that statement as the most accurate representation of your beliefs).
    4. A one-page summary of your philosophy of ministry tailored to this position.
    5. A five-to-ten-minute introduction video of yourself.
    6. A video of you teaching in a related environment and leading worship (if you don’t have video leading corporate worship, a video in another setting or alone is fine as well). Please note: We’re interested in getting a feel for you, not evaluating the quality of the recording.

    Senior Pastor (Full-time)

    Grace Community Church
    Troy, PA

    Who We Are:

    Grace Community Church of Troy, Pennsylvania, was founded in 2013 in rural Bradford County. We are an elder-led, non-denominational church that holds to the 1853 New Hampshire Confession of Faith (modified version; a reformed Baptist confession). Our mission as a church is to reach the lost with the gospel, equip the saints for gospel ministry, and ready the bride of Christ for His return. We are a congregation, around 100 people, that is largely made up of young families and middle-aged adults who are all growing together in the faith. We currently meet for Sunday service in a rented building as we are eagerly waiting for God to provide a permanent building in His timing. Our small groups and various prayer meetings are hosted in different homes throughout the year. Sunday morning gatherings are saturated in prayer, Scripture, and the gospel of Christ. We sing a mix of hymns and contemporary music (faithful and Christ-centered), and our preaching is expository.

    Position Qualifications—Candidates Must Have:

    • A devoted and ever-growing love for Christ
    • A love for God’s gospel, His Word, and His people
    • A steadfast devotion to study, prayer, and the preaching/teaching of the Word
    • Calling by God and giftedness to humbly serve His people in the office of pastor (through leadership, evangelism, preaching, teaching, visitation of congregants, etc.)
    • A resolute commitment to leading and serving in partnership with other installed elders
    • Expository preaching, and declaring the whole counsel of God
    • A minimum of 5 years of pastoral ministry experience
    • Meeting and upholding the biblical qualifications of elders (1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9)
    • Affirmation and subscription to Grace Community Church's full Confession of Faith (https://gccoftroy.com/confession-of-faith)
    • Affirmation of the 5 Solas of the Protestant Reformation and the doctrines of grace
    • Preferably an MDiv or equivalent degree

    COMPENSATION: $70,000 Package (includes weekly salary, health care allowance, housing allowance, 2 weeks of vacation, and 6 additional Sundays off)

    How to Apply: Send resumes to elder Devon Weed at gccpastoralsearch@gmail.com. Please include:

    • 3 letters of recommendation (1 pastoral, 2 personal from a non-family member)
    • 1-3 page essay describing who you are, your testimony, your walk with Christ, your theological convictions, and why you think you may be a good fit for the pastoral position at Grace Community Church

    For more information about GCC, please visit our website: gccoftroy.com, or visit our Facebook page.

    Associate Pastor of Preaching (Full-time)

    Faith Community Church
    Kansas City, MO

    Job Overview

    The Associate Pastor of Preaching at Faith Community Church will serve alongside the other elders* and under the leadership of the Lead Preaching Pastor with the aim to faithfully shepherd the flock of God entrusted to FCC. The primary functions of this role will include the expositional preaching of the Word of God, teaching classes in keeping with the doctrine of FCC, overseeing and organizing the training of future leaders, assisting the Lead Preaching Pastor with the administration of the church, and to carry out all responsibilities germane to the office of an elder as defined by Holy Scripture.

    (*FCC recognizes the Scriptural terms of elder, pastor, and overseer to be synonymous)

    Church Overview

    Faith Community Church is a growing and vibrant congregation of 500+ in the Northland of Kansas City. We are Baptists who are committed to the doctrines of grace, the centrality of the Word, and the exaltation of Christ in all things. We believe the systematic exposition of Scripture to be the most faithful method of preaching and we are blessed to have a people who are hungry for the Word of God. We believe the central mark of followers of Christ is love for one another and we seek to build our fellowship around His example. Please visit www.fcckc.com to read more or visit our YouTube channel to listen to our sermons: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCETCZqgZLoljg7izl1i2rqQ.


    All pastors must meet the Scriptural qualifications of an elder listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and should be devoted to the charges given to overseers in the New Testament, such as 1 Peter 5 and Acts 20.

    Beyond the Scriptural qualifications, all pastors of FCC must adhere to the following (any disagreement with any of the following requires a written and thorough explanation to be submitted for review to the elder board):

    • Affirmation of our Confession of Faith
    • Affirmation of our Statement of Faith
    • Affirmation of our constitution and polity
    • Affirmation of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
    • Affirmation of the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
    • Affirmation of the Nashville Statement on Human Sexuality
    • Affirmation of the Dallas Statement on Social Justice
    • A commitment to the Five Solas of the Reformation
    • A commitment to the Doctrines of Grace
    • A commitment to the systematic exposition of God’s Word
    • A commitment to the sufficiency of Scripture as the sole source of authority for all teaching and all counseling

    COMPENSATION: Compensation: Healthcare, housing, and retirement benefits package. Salary will vary based upon education, experience, and life circumstances, but we want to ensure that a pastor is not worried about putting food on the table. 1 Timothy 5:17 applies to future raises.

    A complete job description will be provided upon request.

    If interested, please send a resume, references, testimony, and at least two sermon samples to Logan@fcckc.com.

    Senior Pastor (Full-time)

    Grace Baptist of Marion
    Marion, NY

    Summary of Duties

    The pastor will preach on Sunday and lead Wednesday evening prayer service, lead membership training, provide counseling, officiate weddings and funerals, and minister to shut-ins and the infirm. Following the example of the apostles, however, prayer and teaching the word are paramount (Acts 6:3-4). He should nourish the church spiritually.

    Church Leadership Structure

    Encouragement and accountability via a board of deacons, with matters presented to the congregation for vote and final decisions.

    Qualifications for Position

    • A man who meets qualifications described by 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
    • Compassionate and approachable pastor who cares deeply for his congregation after the example of the Good Shepherd (Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5:2)
    • Able to teach clearly and help his hearers understand (Nehemiah 8:1–8)
    • Formal education strongly preferred, but a particular degree not required; dedication to continual study of the Word is expected
    • Good listener and wise counselor; committed to pastoral care and counseling, including both encouragement and rebuke. Not dictatorial (Matthew 20:25–28) but takes seriously his role as a spiritual leader—humble, teachable, and willing to serve in any capacity
    • Not afraid to speak boldly on moral and social issues that affect church and community
    • Heart for evangelism and missions, actively involved in outreach and evangelistic efforts
    • Committed to serving the church for the long haul, not a few years or decades
    • Conservative, fundamental Christian who believes in scriptural inerrancy and authority
    • Believes in the traditional, orthodox doctrines of Christianity: including the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, the atonement, the resurrection, and the second coming of Christ
    • Upholds the value of marriage as between one man and one woman, and the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death
    • Preferable, but not required, that the pastor is a married man able to demonstrate good character and discipline within his own household

    COMPENSATION: This is a full-time salaried position with a benefits package. Salary level will be determined based on education and experience.

    About Our Church and Community: Grace Baptist Church (GBC) is a fundamental, independent, Bible-believing church that holds to all of the precious teachings of God’s Holy Word. The church offers various ministries and programs for all ages, including Sunday worship services, Sunday school, Wednesday prayer meetings, youth group, Bible studies, men's and women's ministries, and community outreach programs. We are family-oriented with activities for all ages such as Vacation Bible School, annual Car Cruise-in, Bluegrass concert, archery, camping and hiking, etc. All are encouraged to participate!

    The membership of Grace Baptist Church tends to be conservative: theologically, politically and socially. Membership includes ages from infants to elder saints, with vocations ranging from farmers, truck drivers, office workers, programmers, engineers, scientists, doctors/nurses, military, and more. Grace Baptist Church is located in the Wayne County town of Marion in upstate New York. The church was founded over 40 years ago and has been blessed with a single pastor shepherding the flock. Marion has a population of roughly 4600. The nearest large city is Rochester, NY about 20 miles west of Marion.

    Links: A copy of our Constitution and Articles of Faith is available at at our website: http://gracebaptistmarion.info/About/Constitution/GBC%20Constitution.pdf

    We invite you to watch our services and learn more about us at our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gracebaptist3439

    To Apply: Please send your resumé and a letter of recommendation to our email address: gracebaptistmarion@gmail.com

    Associate Pastor of Student Ministries

    Highland Park Baptist Church
    Southfield, MI

    Application Page: https://opportunities.contextstaffing.com/highland-park-baptist-church-associate-director-student-ministries

    The Opportunity: Highland Park Baptist Church is a 110-year-old church located in the suburbs of Detroit, MI and currently has around 700 in weekly attendance. HPBC is diverse both racially and generationally with over 30% of its congregation made up of people from minority communities. The mission of the church is to Worship, Grow and Go as a House of Prayer.

    These values are fleshed out as they seek to Worship God in everything they do as a body of believers because He is worthy of all honor, glory, and praise. They Grow together as a body through the study of God in His Word leading to life transformation and sanctification. And they Go and make Christ known to the ends of the Earth, starting in their neighborhoods and workplaces. All of this is accomplished as a House of Prayer because apart from the Father, they can do nothing and salvation belongs to Him.

    HPBC is currently looking to hire an Associate Director of Student Ministries who will help build a growing and effective Student Ministry that partners with families to reach kids with the Gospel of Christ and raise them for His glory.

    The Community:

    Southfield, MI is a suburb of Detroit. Like all of the greater Detroit area, Southfield is highly diverse. This diversity includes religion, ethnicity, political leanings, and socio-economic status. While most of the community immediately around the church is African American and Caucasian, there is also a significant Asian population. The greater Detroit area also has an extremely large Middle Eastern Muslim population and Highland Park regularly engages with this community through its Refugee ministry.

    While Winters in Michigan are cold and snowy, there are tons of indoor activities for those winter months and the summers are incredible. There are countless lakes, parks, concert venues, and golf courses to help Michiganders fully enjoy "Pure Michigan" throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall.

    The Ideal Candidate:

    • Help the High School Director to oversee, plan, and provide leadership for student activities
    • Consistently evaluate the needs of these students in the church and the community and shape appropriate ministries to effectively reach and disciple them
    • Help to coordinate with other HPBC ministry leaders and employees to be occasionally utilized in other ministries of the church outside of the student ministry based on skill set and gifting
    • Help administer the Student Ministry budget under the supervision of the High School Pastor
    • Perform other duties as requested by the Senior Pastor, Elder Board, Family Ministries Pastor, and High School Pastor
    • Self-aware and attentive to the needs of those in their ministry
    • Professional in their work but does not take themself too seriously
    • Being able to laugh and have fun is a must in Student Ministry

    The Qualifications:

    • The Associate Director of Student Ministries needs to first and foremost prioritize their relationship with Christ above all else.
    • Theologically aligned with Highland Park Baptist Church in their Statement of Faith
    • Experience (at a minimum) serving in Student Ministries
    • Eager to reach, disciple, and send Students
    • Motivated, self-starter who enjoys helping to build, train, and lead teams of volunteers
    • Able to teach God's Word in a faithful and engaging manner
    • Enjoy investing in relationships with others: Students, Parents, Volunteers, and other Staff Members
    • Organized and think things through whether planning an event, helping to managing the Student Ministry budget, or even having a conversation

    Associate Pastor (Full-time)

    Emmanuel Community Church
    Happy Valley, Oregon

    Summary of Duties: The elders of Emmanuel Community Church are looking for a man willing to be mentored to eventually serve as the Senior Pastor of this fellowship. Initially, we envision that the man in this position will be heavily involved in outreach and pastoral care, with a regular teaching assignment, and filling the pulpit on an occasional basis. This is a full-time position.

    Supervised By: Senior pastor and by extension the elder board

    Qualifications for Position:
    The Associate Pastor will serve alongside the Senior Pastor. The job description is general enough that the Senior Pastor shall have flexibility in assigning specific responsibilities which best suit personal gifts, background, and experience.

    • Education: minimum 4-year Bible college degree; seminary education preferred.
    • Experience: practical ministry experience in a conservative, Bible-believing fellowship preferred, but not required.
    • Doctrine: must hold to ECC’s doctrinal statement and distinctives.
    • Must have strong people skills, with a strong desire to encourage people in their walk with the Lord.
    • Must be a clear, forthright and caring communicator, able to encourage and admonish in a loving, biblical manner, providing discipleship as needed.
    • Must be a disciplined student of Scripture, well prepared to teach/preach when called on to do so.
    • Has administration, leadership and facilitation ministry skills.

    Personal Qualifications:
    The Associate Pastor must:

    • Be committed to the Lord Jesus.
    • Be a mature person meeting the scriptural pastoral requirements found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, as well as requirements specified by the ECC by-laws.
    • Have a high standard of personal holiness such that his life is above reproach.
    • Have a heart of humility that deeply desires to serve the Lord.
    • Be a person who is teachable and approachable.
    • Be one who is motivated to first seek God’s glory and the good of His people.
    • Have a daily discipline to spend time alone with the Lord in Bible study and prayer.
    • If married, have an unwavering love for his spouse, demonstrated by speech and actions. The Associate Pastor’s family should be supportive of his ministry, and should be growing spiritually.

    Emmanuel Community Church
    Sermon Audio

    To Apply: Please send your resumé to: robmartini@ecchurch.com

    Lead Pastor (Full-time)

    Aviano Baptist Church
    Aviano, Italy

    Summary of Duties: The Public Ministry of the Word involves planning and delivering sermon series that promote godly Christian living and align with sound doctrine. This role includes training and equipping other leaders to preach, praying faithfully for the congregation, and providing theological guidance for ministry teaching. Additionally, it involves collaborating with staff and volunteers on weekly worship service planning.

    Organizational Leadership requires initiating and directing the church's vision, leading the pastoral staff, facilitating elder meetings, and developing annual budget proposals with elders. This role ensures all ministry areas run smoothly. Pastoral Care includes overseeing member care, ensuring discipleship opportunities, and being available for counseling, hospital visits, weddings, and funerals. Outreach & Missions involves partnering with local and global churches and organizations to create outreach and evangelism opportunities

    Church Leadership Structure: Pastor Led with Deacons and Church Council, Constitution committee is in the process of adding elders to solidify leadership and continuity.

    Qualifications for Position:

    • A deep, steady faith; experience in leading and mentoring; and disciple the community. (1 Timothy 3:5)
    • Living a Christ-transformed life, an example of God’s unwavering love and a show of devotion to their flock. (1 Timothy 3:5)
    • Spiritually mature with sound doctrines, humble, and honest in their daily life. (1 Timothy 3:2,3:6)
    • (Preferred) Experience in ministering within a military community is a significant advantage for relevant and effective ministry in the Aviano Community.
    • (Preferred) Education in Christian biblical theological studies (ie: Master of Divinity, Master of Theology, etc.)
    • Previous pastoral experience
    • Ordained Baptist minister or become ordained as soon as practical upon assumption of the office.
    • Must agree with the church Statement of Faith

    Compensation: €30,564 Annual Salary, Housing provided by ABC, moving expenses TO Aviano will NOT be covered by the church. Moving expenses FROM Aviano WILL be covered by the church. School options: Local Italian Schools and or Homeschooling. Health insurance is not included but English-speaking health care is available for all family members through US Abroad Clinic. It is here to meet the needs of the American community and other English-speaking people. It is in the middle of Aviano, just a short walk from the church.

    About Our Church: The congregation at ABC Church is a diverse, English-speaking community of around 95 regular attendees and 85 members, primarily composed of military personnel and their families associated with Aviano Air Base. With a seating capacity of approximately 130, the church is multi-generational and international, but has a relatively young average age due to its military ties, resulting in frequent turnover every three years. Despite challenges such as maintaining a steady volunteer base and consistent attendance, the church has successfully met its needs over its 50-year history. ABC Church offers a blended worship style with a team of vocalists and instruments, emphasizing biblical accuracy in its contemporary music. They hold a Sunday morning service at 10:00 am, which is also live-streamed on YouTube to accommodate those unable to attend in person, thus extending their reach.

    Links: https://www.facebook.com/avianobaptistchurch ; https://www.youtube.com/@avianobaptistchurch

    To Apply: We are accepting resumes until and including 31 August 2024. Resumes received after this date will not be considered. Interested candidates should submit an application to Tim Mason, Pastor Search Team Chairman, at pastorsearch@avianobaptist.church Required documents include an updated resume and cover letter explaining the candidate’s interest in the position, 2-5 professional and/or ministry references, proof of academic titles, proof of past professional and/or ministry/pastoral experience, and links to or copies of past preaching (if available). Additional pertinent information for the Pastor Search Committee's consideration is also welcome. For more information about the church, visit www.avianobaptist.church

    Part-time Minister of Music

    Urban Harvest Fellowship
    North Little Rock, AR


    1. Plan the music portion of Sunday-morning worship services (under the guidance of the preaching pastor). This includes:
      • Selecting up to 6 songs a week.
      • Communicating the list to our organist before Friday of each week so she has time to rehearse.
    2. Lead the music during Sunday-morning worship services.

    About our church:

    1. We are a Reformed Baptist congregation that enthusiastically affirms:
      • The 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689)
      • The Baptist Faith and Message (2000)
    2. We are a small congregation (12 to 20 in attendance) that meets twice weekly: Once for Sunday-morning worship at 10:30 a.m. and once for small-group Bible studies at 6 p.m. Wednesday evenings.

    About the position: This is a part-time position that pays $200 per week.

    Contact: If you are interested, please text our Preaching Pastor, Chip Bayer, at 501-438-2667 to set up a brief telephone interview.

    Executive Pastor (Full-time)

    New Life Bible Fellowship Church
    Oley, PA

    Denomination: Bible Fellowship Church
    Church Size: Average attendance for 2024 has been 620+
    Job Type: Full Time

    New Life Bible Fellowship Church is actively looking for an Executive Pastor who will collaborate closely with the Senior Pastor to provide overall leadership for the church and to promote and maintain the mission of New Life Bible Fellowship Church, which is to Glorify God, Introduce People to New Life in Christ, and Grow Together toward Maturity in Him. In this capacity he will have primary responsibility for the business and daily operation of the church. He will also collaborate closely with the Senior Pastor to oversee the ministries of the church and provide spiritual care for the congregation. The Senior Pastor and Executive Pastor are together responsible for creating a collaborative atmosphere among the church staff and ensuring that New Life is an exceptional workplace.

    We are a thriving Bible Fellowship church with an average attendance of 600+, and budget of $1M+, located in Oley, Pennsylvania approximately 55 miles from Philadelphia, in southeastern Pennsylvania. Our staff also includes: Senior Pastor, Youth Pastor, Director of Children's Ministry, Director of Worship Arts, and five other full and part-time staff members.

    Leadership of New Life would feel generally at home in ministry circles such as the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, IX Marks, the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation, and Crossway. We are currently taking our congregation through one question each week from the Heidelberg Catechism.

    If you are New Life's next Executive Pastor, you are a team player that has at least five years of experience in a similar position and are able to lead the business aspects of the church as well as provide spiritual care for the congregation. You will also be in agreement with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church (https://www.bfc.org/who-we-are/articles-of-faith/).

    Responsibilities - Operations:

    • Manage the Operations Staff and promote a collaborative environment to meet the needs of the church and fulfill ministry objectives.
    • Planning and oversight of the church budget and ensuring the financial integrity and health of the church, working closely with the bookkeeper and financial auditors.
    • Serve as the Church and Board representative in all contractual, business, financial, and legal matters.
    • Responsible for the creation of, maintenance, and ensuring adherence with, policies and procedures of the church (including HR, Facilities, Financial) that comply with regulatory requirements, protect the church, lead to efficient operations, and protect the name and reputation of Christ and New Life Bible Fellowship Church (NLBFC).
    • Provide oversight of the church facilities, facilities staff, and ensure maintenance needs are met as well as ensure safe and efficient use of space. This will include leading building and capital campaigns.

    Responsibilities - Ministry:

    • Participate in quarterly, or bi-annual, planning, strategy, and review sessions led by the Senior Pastor, creating a calendar of scheduled events as well as their associated action items, and collaborate with the Senior Pastor to ensure that action items are completed.
    • Engage in discipleship relationships and participate in providing spiritual care for the church. Teach and preach on occasion.
    • Participate in quarterly, or bi-annual, planning, strategy, and review sessions led by the Senior Pastor, creating a calendar of scheduled events as well as their associated action items, and collaborate with the Senior Pastor to ensure that action items are completed.
    • Collaborate with other pastoral staff for oversight of various ministries such as Sunday School, Global Ministries, Life Groups, Outreach, Men's and Women's Ministry.
    • Collaborate with other pastoral staff for the creation of new ministries, evaluating their alignment with vision, priorities, and feasibility.


    • Confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and demonstrates a vibrant and growing personal walk with Jesus
    • Meet Biblical qualifications found in Titus 1:6-9, 1 Tim 3:2-7, 1 Peter 5:2-3
    • Be in agreement with the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church
    • Master of Divinity, or related Bachelors with equivalent experience, from an accredited seminary, divinity school or university
    • Have a minimum of five years’ experience in a similar ministry position, either paid or unpaid
    • An ordained minister and hold credentials in the Bible Fellowship Church, or able to obtain them
    • Have a general knowledge of systems and finance
    • Have a general knowledge of HR law and related areas
    • Servant leader, who can lead and work well with others as a team player, can delegate, and can grow others
    • Ability to manage and maintain multiple competing priorities.

    If this makes your heart beat a little faster, you just might be a good fit for us. Please visit our church website and apply at Executive Pastor Application - New Life Bible Fellowship Church.

    Associate Pastor to Students (Full-time)

    First Baptist Church, Mena
    Mena, AR

    Summary of Duties: Responsible for leadership of student ministries with primary teaching responsibility for the youth and oversight of children’s ministry. Duties include planning and coordinating events, trips, and camps for youth and children. The position will also include planning a budget and conducting youth committee and children’s meetings.

    Church Leadership Structure: This position will report directly to the Senior Pastor.

    Qualifications for Position:

    • Biblical qualifications found in Scripture (1 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9)
    • Affirms Baptist Faith and Message 2000
    • Beliefs about ethics aligned with a follower of Christ
    • The candidate must be personally dedicated to Jesus Christ as his Savior and the Lord of his life
    • Previous experience preferred
    • Some education from a Bible college or seminary preferred

    Compensation: A competitive salary and benefits package will be based upon education, experience and qualifications for this full-time position with FBC Mena.

    About Our Church: We are a congregation with a normal weekly attendance of about 125 and a Sunday school attendance of about 90. Mena is a town of about 6,000 people in a beautiful, growing rural county in southwestern Arkansas. Located in the heart of downtown Mena, First Baptist Church has been a pillar of truth in the community since 1897. The church sits on one city block adjacent to beautiful Janssen Park and the Polk County Library with Rich Mountain as her backdrop.

    Website: https://firstbaptistchurchmena.com/
    Facebook: @firstbaptistchurchmena
    YouTube: @FirstBaptistChurchMenaAR

    To Apply: Please send your resume to menafbc@gmail.com

    Preaching Pastor

    Fellowship Baptist Church
    Sidney, Montana

    We are searching for a preaching elder/pastor. Fellowship Baptist Church is a rural church located in Sidney, Montana. We are on the eastern most edge of Montana, bordering North Dakota where the sweeping plains meet the beautiful badlands. We are a 1689 confessional Baptist church, with 20-30 members and lots of children. Some of our parishoners travel an hour, up to two hours, to attend service, even on the coldest of winter days.

    We desire to grow in wisdom and knowledge of God, through His word. We are looking to hire a man who is called as a preaching elder/pastor. These are the following requirements and qualifications:

    • A man who meets the Biblical qualifications of an elder displayed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
    • A man who is in good standing with a church. And must be recommended by their church.
    • A man who is gifted to preach God's word faithfully and expositionally.
    • Preferably someone who holds to the London Baptist Confession of Faith. (1689)
    • Must understand the duty of a pastor is to shepherd the church. All other endeavors must be considered secondary.
    • Be prepared for Eastern Montana weather. (Hot summers and very cold winters)

    Salary will be determined / negotiated once you have completed the interview process. However, we promise fair and competitive wages.

    Sidney is a rural community of about 8,000 residents. As mentioned above, summers get hot and winters get cold- sometimes brutally cold. There is much to be loved of our community. We are an agricultural based community. Loving all that goes with it. Hunting, fishing (the Yellowstone River is right in our back yard), competative paddle fishing is a spring sport here. Boating, camping, hiking, biking, snowmobiling are fun pastimes, too. For the teens- there are many sports teams ranging from hockey to swimming, football to track, wrestling to golf. We have your traditional FFA & 4H as well as other youth groups to explore. We are a hard working community with a mix of ages and abilities.

    Please contact Fellowship Baptist Church at 406-433-4004 or email your resume to fbcsidney@gmail.com, if you or someone you know is called and qualified to serve in this position.

    Fellowship Baptist Church
    2181 West Holly Street
    Sidney MT 59270

    Contact Us

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    The corporation shall not discriminate against applicants, employees, students, volunteers, and others on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin; however, as a religious institution, the corporation reserves the right to deny or terminate employment or to deny or  terminate any other status of persons whose lifestyle, words, actions or otherwise do not align with the corporation’s Statement of Faith, standard of conduct, or other policies of this organization.