Hot off the press rolls the latest issue of Pro Pastor: A Journal of Grace Bible Theological Seminary! The Spring 2024 edition of Pro Pastor (Vol. 3, No. 1) examines the question: How does a faithful preacher proclaim the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27)? How does one properly preach through the Bible’s stories, songs, proverbs, prophecies, poems, and parables? The sheer diversity of literature can be overwhelming!
We are thrilled to have the following team of contributors for Pro Pastor 3.1, all mighty expositors of Scripture:
You can access a free electronic copy of Pro Pastor 3.1 by clicking here. Please pass this link along to those who might benefit from its contents: It is our hope that the Lord might use this issue of our journal to help pastors, Sunday School teachers, and Bible study leaders learn how to proclaim the divine Word.
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