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    News, Articles, and Resources

    May 11, 2020

    The Glory of the Unnamed Prophet

    by Preston Kelso Guess Who? Who was it that rescued young Moses from the waters of the Nile River? For that matter, who was her father? Who came from “the East” to worship and honor the young King Jesus? Who, hanging next to the crucified Christ, said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your […]

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    May 8, 2020

    Free Grace Friday: Victory in Jesus

    Free Grace Friday is a weekly post sharing updates and book excerpts from Free Grace Press. Each Friday we will be posting news about FGP books, featuring excerpts, and most exciting for you, telling you how you can get access to great sales on biblically solid, Christ honoring resources from FGP. The Book of Revelation […]

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    May 6, 2020

    Not Quarantined, but Isolated

    by Barry Wolfer In the middle of March, 2020, California ordered its residents to stay at home and isolate to avoid the rapid spreading of Covid-19. Soon, other states joined the self-enforced quarantine movement. Within a matter of weeks, most of America’s residents had been told by their state government to stay at home and […]

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    May 4, 2020

    A Bible Reading Plan

    by Ryan Bush For Christians, reading the Bible is like a plate of meat and potatoes after a day without food. It’s like a big mason jar of water and ice after push-mowing the lawn in July. It’s gulping down air after your brother has held you under the creek water longer than he should […]

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    May 1, 2020

    Free Grace Friday: The Absurdity of Unbelief

    Free Grace Friday is a weekly post sharing updates and book excerpts from Free Grace Press. Each Friday we will be posting news about FGP books, featuring excerpts, and most exciting for you, telling you how you can get access to great sales on biblically solid, Christ honoring resources from FGP. Our featured book this […]

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    April 30, 2020

    The Glory of the Rural Church

    by Eddie Ragsdale Nestled in a small valley along the Little Red River in the foothills region of the Ozark mountains in Arkansas sits a minuscule municipality named Shirley. This is where I grew up and where my family and I reside today (although, not in the “city” limits). I believe that by anyone’s definition […]

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