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    News, Articles, and Resources

    April 29, 2020

    Look and Live! Why I Interpret John 3:16 as an Invitation

    by Bob Gonzales Some may not think I’m a Calvinist when it comes to John 3:16. Actually, I’m a John Calvinist when I interpret this verse (double entendre intended). I don’t think the verse (and its larger context) is simply designed to teach people biblical doctrines or facts. It has a larger aim. Namely, God […]

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    April 27, 2020

    The Abrasive Gospel

    by Brandon Scalf Editors Note: The following is an adapted excerpt from an upcoming book by Brandon, The Abrasive Gospel. The Problem The Gospel of Jesus Christ is being trampled violently underfoot in too many pulpits all across America. It is being spat on in Christian or “biblical” counseling sessions and mocked by contemporary worship […]

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    April 24, 2020

    7 Reasons Why People Reject the Gospel

    by John Bunyan (1628-1688) Today’s post is taken from our friend, John Bunyan. In his work, Justification by an Imputed Righteousness, he gives seven reasons why people reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. You will notice he begins with six reasons and then like a good Baptist preacher adds another point at the end. May […]

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    April 22, 2020

    The Relationship Between the Local Church and the Seminary

    by Danny Thursby What should be the relationship between the local church and seminary? Charles Spurgeon’s Pastors’ College serves as a guide and inspiration for GBTS in many ways. Obviously, there is much to learn from Surgeon’s ministry at the Pastors’ College, but it is the relationship between the college and his church, The Metropolitan […]

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    April 20, 2020

    Pastoral Hardships

    by Billy Crow Spurgeon in Distress The pastor is certainly not immune to pain.  Some of the greatest sermons from one of the greatest preachers were born from times of great distress.  Note the words of Charles Spurgeon: “Some of you may be in great distress of mind, a distress out of which no fellow-creature […]

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    April 17, 2020

    GBTS Values

    by Danny Thursby To know Grace Bible Theological Seminary (GBTS) you must understand the values that inform and shape our ministry. The following characteristics are not unique to GBTS as there are, thankfully, several seminaries that share these emphases or have even been exemplars to follow. We do not desire to be unique for the […]

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