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    Truth, Unity, and Triage: A Book Review of Finding the Right Hills to Die On

    Chris Johnson The book Finding the Right Hills to Die on by Gavin Ortlund was provided for free by Crossway to GBTS in an exchange for an honest review. God has placed my family and I upon a path featuring an unusual motley of Christian traditions throughout the years. I was raised an Arminian Baptist, […]

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    A Student’s Perspective on Biblical Languages

    By Zakariya King A small baby begins to crawl on the floor as he sees the object of desire across the room in sight. It’s a bottle. This baby is old enough to support his own head and now even to crawl at length. He sees the familiar object that satisfies his hunger and is […]

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    The Relationship Between the Local Church and the Seminary

    by Danny Thursby What should be the relationship between the local church and seminary? Charles Spurgeon’s Pastors’ College serves as a guide and inspiration for GBTS in many ways. Obviously, there is much to learn from Surgeon’s ministry at the Pastors’ College, but it is the relationship between the college and his church, The Metropolitan […]

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    GBTS Values

    by Danny Thursby To know Grace Bible Theological Seminary (GBTS) you must understand the values that inform and shape our ministry. The following characteristics are not unique to GBTS as there are, thankfully, several seminaries that share these emphases or have even been exemplars to follow. We do not desire to be unique for the […]

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